Saturday, June 12, 2010

The 1880 Train

The 1880 Train runs from Keystone to Hill City, ten miles up grade and ten miles back. It is a tourist train these days but in it’s youth, it hauled tin from the Holy Terror mine to Deadwood for transfer to the main line and factories in the east. The story behind the Holy Terror Mine is that the owner was walking with his adopted daughter one day when she found a rock. The father immediately recognized the ore value and walked 25 miles to Rapid City to file his claim. He spent the next three days “celebrating”. When he returned to Keystone, his stepdaughter light into him for his three-day drunk until he advised that he had named the mine for her. Her onslaught renewed when she discovered he named it “The Holy Terror Mine”

Ed O and Nick B, the pics in this post are for you guys.