Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting in by 6pm

We set out from Billings, MT this morning, following our usual routine of finding breakfast at a Mom & Pop dinner and then hitting the road to our ultimate destination. Our itinerary for today was pretty open; the plan was to take the scenic (i.e. non interstate highway) back towards Denver. Our original plan was to drive to Cheyenne today, but we decided to change that in order to drive up Wyo 37 and see Devil’s Canyon (why not, we had already seen his tower) in Bighorn Canyon National Park. Round trip was about an hour plus viewing time. Homer was hemming and hawing as he likes to be in the hotel by 6pm and the side trip to the canyon would mean an 8:30-9:00pm arrival in Cheyenne and that was without stopping to see the dinosaurs in Thermopolis. Not wanting to upset his delicate balance a scheduling idiosyncrasies (years of Aunt Jane training coming into play) I suggested that we revise our plans and spend the night in Casper (the friendly town) Wyoming, saving two and a half hours and only slightly stretching Rainman’s routine (2 minutes to Wapner!!!). Well, once he saw the canyon, he was glad we went. As with Devil’s Tower, descriptive words and my photography skills just don’t do it justice. Later that day, we drove through another canyon on Rte 20 South along the Bighorn River, which flows north and gives you the impression that it is flowing up hill. We made Casper by 7:20 p.m. and after checking in to a hotel, went to the Poor Boys’ Steakhouse. They had Myers Rum for Homer. Life is good!

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