Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Homer on the Range

I pulled into Homer's drive at 5:02 this morning to pick him up and drive to the airport for our 7 a.m. flight. He was already out front, looking like he had been there for hours. We arrived in Denver 11 hours later, picked up our Caddy, Homer put on the Homer sunglasses, I fired up Gertie (my gps) and we set a course north to Cheyenne, Wyo.

Cheyenne is the Capital of Wyoming and the Capital building is appropriately located at the north end of Capital Street. Except for the Capital and the nearby Supreme Court, you could be in any small American town. And on Wednesday night, it is pretty quiet.

Not having eaten since arriving at O'Hare some 11 hours earlier (an eternity in Homer time), I gave Gertie our dinner destination and ten minutes (ok?) later we arrived at the Little Bear Inn. The parking lot was full of local cars, always a good sign. We were seated and the waitress came right over, took our drink orders and asked us what we wanted for hors-douvres advising that she had two large parties about to be seated and we should get our order in now. We both had the Rocky Mountain Oysters and Buffalo Sirloin. The "oysters" were cut into strips, breaded, fried and served with cocktail sauce and a lemon wedge. They had a texture similar to clam strips but a meatier taste. The Buffalo was excellent. The texture similar to beef but a much fuller, stronger, richer flavor. A great end to a long day.
And tomorrow (drum roll) Homer fulfills his life long dream.

These would look awesome on the front of our ride.