Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From the Riviera to the Rhine on the Flomax Express

Allied P.O.W's escaping Italy during WWII made their getaway on Von Ryan's Express. The men who trucked supplies to the front to keep the Army advancing were known as The Red Ball Express. Our merry crew has been nicknamed the Flomax Express (has something to do with frequent stops).

My traveling companions are Joe Eagers, Dick Semmel and Ron Lucken. Joe is a WWII vet, having served as a Private with the 10th Armored Division. At some point shortly after the war, Uncle Sam sent him to West Point and then Korea. He also did a tour in Vietnam as a Staff Officer and retired as a Lt. Colonel. Dick was a double dipper, doing 22+ years in the Air Force, retiring as a Sgt. Major and later working in the same places as a civilian employee. Ron is a former Naval Aviator (LtCmdr) and a Pilot for American Airlines for 20+ years. Joe and Dick have known each other for a number of years and travel together often. Ron has know Joe and Dick for a couple years and met them on another tour. Ron lives in Naples, Fla., Dick in Ohio and Joe now resides in North Carolina. They are all good guys and the ball busting is brutal.

Heye (pronounced Hi-ya) DeJong, our driver, is Dutch and has driven for Ambrose tours for the last 12 years. He is now semi retired, working for his daughter’s business twice a week and driving the occasional small tour. He is aces behind the wheel.

We are seeing France, one rest stop at a time.

1 comment:

D. W. O'Rourke said...

Not as good as our staff car but not too bad. Hope you are enjoying the cognac.