Wednesday, May 5, 2010

D-Day minus 1

Steve Weiss and I met five years ago in London. He had been called at the last minute to lead a D-Day to the Rhine tour sponsored by Ambrose tours as Hurricane Katrina had made it impossible for the original tour leader to leave his family in New Orleans. Steve, a WWII vet who now lives in London, arrived at the hotel just as I was checking in and he, my friend Steve Nathan and I went downstairs to the restaurant and had breakfast. We became fast friends. Since that September 2005 breakfast, we have traveled in Italy (another WWII tour), spent time in Paris and met several times in London. So the next two weeks provide me with the opportunity to see my friend again and get a personal guided tour of where he fought.

Tomorrow begins at 6 a.m. and doesn’t end until 6 p.m. Friday when I arrive in Nice (I know you all feel sorry for me) but I have a bunch of crossword puzzles and a book Lil gave to for amusement, so I will carry on. Hopefully, no volcanoes will erupt before 8 a.m. Paris time on Friday.
In the meantime, here are a couple web sites you can check out.

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