Monday, September 15, 2008

Au revoir, Paris

It is impossible to "do" Paris in 3 weeks, let alone 3 days. The City of Lights is like a giant buffet table and on your first visit, the tendency is to head right to the main entrees: Eiffel Tower, Arch de Triomphe, Notre Dame. After all, you may only get one pass at the table, and you want to make it count. But the second time around, you realize there is much more on the table: the breads, salads, cheeses, fruits, desserts. So many different aromas and tastes to be savoured. It is impossibe to fit it all on your plate. You must go back again and again, trying different things, one aroma leading to another. In the last 3 years, I have been to Paris 5 times (ok, so I'm padding my stats a little, 2 visits were at the ends of the same trip and two were less than 24 hours). Wednesday will make 6 when we stop to change trains and have lunch (I know counting that as a trip is akin to arod hitting an 8th inning homer in a 12-2 game). I have bearly scratched the surface. I've had the entrees, I'm just starting the breads. I hope to get back enough times to get desert. But Dave got off to a good start. He'll get into the breads next time. But it can wear you out.

In the meantime, I'm really going to miss these guys.

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